SwissMango goes Mobile Friendly

Friday, June 10, 2016

During the past few months we have been converting all of our client's websites into mobile friendly sites.

Pull up your website with ease on your iPhone, Android, Samsung, or any other smart phone and you will see the new mobile look.

This mobile look is as clean and sleek as your computer version; the only difference is, it is in your donor's pocket!

According to the Pew Research Center, Mobile devices accounted for 55% of Internet usage in the United States in January. 

This makes mobile friendly websites incredibly important. Your business or organization will be able to take orders, donations, and RSVPs for events directly from your client or donors mobile device. 

The ability to for your client or donor to make purchases or donations is now in the palm of their hands and they do not need to wait until a computer is present. 

SwissMango is always looking out for our clients and we hope you enjoy this complimentary mobile site! 


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