Top 10 Reasons You Need a Website NOW

Monday, August 8, 2011

These days, having a website is no longer just an another piece of your business plan. Regardless of your industry, an online presence is a MUST-HAVE if you want to keep and engage customers. It’s that simple.
There are literally hundreds of reasons you should have a website today, but here are a few of the most persuasive.
  1. To stay competitive
    Almost 80% of the US population is searching the web BEFORE choosing a product, service or business. That figure on its own should be persuasive enough to push you to make the move to the web. If your prospect cannot find you on the web (and they can find your competitor), you are missing opportunities. If you don’t have a website, you don’t have a chance.
  2. To promote your business every hour of every day
    The Internet is open for business 24/7, it doesn’t close on weekends or holiday’s – and best of all you don’t have to pay overtime! A website actually gives your business an opportunity to speak to your customers and prospects at all hours. You open yourself up to a world of opportunity in reaching people who might not otherwise find you. A few clicks and anyone can access your products and/or services 365.
  3. A website adds credibility
    A professional and polished website positions you as an expert in your field. Whether you have one employee or 1,000, you are now on an even playing field. A well designed, well written and easy-to-access website can automatically increase the credibility of your organization. It also lets visitors know that you know your stuff. A quality site with useful information will no doubt increase your sales.
  4. Your website augments your advertising efforts
    You can have as much information as you want on your website with a much lower cost than other traditional media outlets. Plus, by including your website address you are providing instant access to your company information and ‘its story’ in your way. You are in essence including a comprehensive brochure on every business card, letter, on-hold message, etc. It’s a great way to get your word out without breaking the bank.
  5. Local and global outreach
    You can take your products and/or services to totally new markets. Whether it’s down the street, or ‘down under’ –– with a website, your opportunities (and outreach) are limitless!
  6. It’s an incredible sales tool
    A website is an online storefront that is open all hours for a fraction of the cost of a retail storefront –– plus it reaches countless more people. Whether you sell directly from the web or not, your website can quickly compel your visitors to contact you and convince them they need your services.
  7. Improve your customer service & stay in touch
    It costs a fraction the amount to keep a customer than to gain a new one. Keeping in touch with your customers is one of the most valuable ways to service them. Your website makes this very easy by making information readily available. Helpful hints or tips of the trade can help you keep your customers engaged, knowledgeable –– and loyal –– all at the same time!
  8. A great way to save money
    You can quickly lower your printing costs because you can refer clients and prospects to the web instead of printing brochures regularly. Email communication instead of postage is much less expensive. Your website can also replace other more expensive advertising costs because you can measure the results it will produce and compare and adjust other advertising mediums.
  9. Referring new customers is easy
    Referrals are a valuable source of new customers. Having a website makes it easy to encourage referrals because customers can simply provide friends and contacts your website address. No obligation, no pressure, no strings attached. Plus, a website is typically much easier to remember than a telephone number.
  10. Easily track and measure ROI
    A website is one of the few advertising mediums that can track virtually every visitor. You can measure exactly how many people have visited your web, where those searches came from, which search term was used, which search engine, the pages they visited on your site and how long they spent there. Not many other advertising forms can provide this level of detailed feedback on your investment!
And not many other mediums have such a persuasive –– and compelling –– list of reasons to engage. Without a website you are losing business. Period. If you haven’t already, make your move today to the web!
© Cindy Metzler is small business owner and marketing consultant who has worked with Fortune 500 companies, including Nextel®, Motorola® and Proctor & Gamble®.

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