Creatives Wanted

Monday, June 20, 2011

You love design. Your business depends on communicating a message in a creative and powerful way for your clients. Having the best tools to do this helps you stay focused on what you do best.

Websites have traditionally been a tougher area for designers to shine, as there have been limits on what was possible and complicated coding to learn. Often, designers have had to hire out for website work to complement their print pieces.

Enter SwissMango, the revolutionary design tool for websites which works the way designers do: creatively and intuitively. SwissMango is an out-of-the-box content management system with an emphasis on precision (Swiss) and taste (mango). The process is simple. You design a great looking website for your client which is easy enough for them to maintain themselves. Navigation tools, photo galleries, form builders and even email marketing are just a few of the available features at your disposal. And it all happens in real-time. No more waiting on coders or backend changes. And all at a fraction of the cost of traditional website design with no minimum time commitment.

As if all this weren't enough, anyone you introduce to SwissMango who becomes a client means a referral fee for you. How great is that?

More services for you to offer, a stunning, robust tool to work with and referral fees all add up to more revenue and design control for you. Contact us today and become a SwissMango partner. It will be one of the smartest business decisions you'll ever make.

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